Lab-Friendly Solution for Nutraceutical Mixing

Product Information

Dry powder mixing of nutraceutical. The product is hygroscopic and tends to absorb moisture very easily.

Customer’s Requirement

Compact size: The customer required to have a compact laboratory mixer that could fit easily in the lab.

Mobility: The mixer was required to be mobile, preferably on wheels, and lightweight so it could be moved as per the requirement.

Reduced batch times: The customer wanted a quick turnaround time for mixing batches with variable speed options.

Dust Free Mixing: Since the product is in powdered form, a dust-free solution was sought to avoid dispersing the product outside of the mixer.

No particle degradation: The product size had to remain the same and the mixture should not further reduce the size of the particle.

Enclosed mixer: Since the powder is hygroscopic, it was essential to have a sealed mixer to avoid contact with moisture as much as possible.

Hygiene: Hygienic product was required without any form of foreign material presence.

What is the benefit of using the double cone blender?

In the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, the double cone blender is widely used for the dry mixing and blending of powders and granules. It’s best suited for free-flowing solid materials thanks to its effective diffusion mechanism.


Double-cone blender provides a wide range of benefit.

  • The blender is a versatile device with an airtight design for uniform, efficient tumble mixing.
  • The blender comes in a conical shape at both ends, allowing for homogeneous mix results and reliable powder discharge.
  • The double cone is statically balanced, which guards against excessive load on the motor and gearbox.
  • In such a blender, material loading and discharge methods are separated so as to prevent cross-contamination.
  •  The blender offers various mixing structures to choose from depending on the properties of the materials to be blended.
  • The blender is capable of handling large volumes of particles.
  • The blender is easy to load and discharge thanks to the double-cone design.
  • All contact parts are made from stainless steel to keep corrosion and contaminants at bay.
  • The compact design and construction of double cone blender only need a small footprint.
  • Simple to operate, easy to clean, and low-maintenance.
  • The blender is compatible with other support equipment such as spray systems, loading systems, hoppers, and more.

What is the use of double cone blender?

Apart from the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, a wide variety of industries use this type of machine, such as food, chemical, cosmetics, plastics, etc.

Food: The blender is used to prepare cake mixes, flavors, spices, cereals, dairy powders, coffee mixes, and other solid ingredients. 

Chemical: The blender is employed in the chemical industry to mix chemicals, dry powdered detergents, pesticides, herbicides, glass or ceramic, fertilizers and many more.

Cosmetics: The equipment can also blend the materials used in cosmetics, such as pressed powder and loose powder.

Plastics: The blender plays a big part in the first step of making plastic products. This crucial step will determine how well the final design and use of the plastic material turn out.